Tips to Make a Generations Scrapbook Album
If you are like most people, you have countless books filled with photos of your family members. A generations scrapbook album is a great way to organize, store, and creatively display your family's heritage. You can create stunning and spectacular scrapbooks that not only showcase your favorite family photos, but also document your family ancestry and heritage.
In fact, when it comes to scrapbooking family history, you may find that the more you gather resources together, the more creative ideas you develop.
Your first step will be to collect the pictures that you are going to use. If you need to get them off of your computer? I use
to develop my pictures.
If you need to research your family tree, you should do so now. You can ask relatives for additional information, check the family Bible for names of family members, and if you need to check with local archives at the county courthouse by all means do.
The purpose of this stage is to gather as much information, and documents as you can. These do not necessarily need to be all photos either; birth records, wedding certificates, and baptismal records are all great additions when credating a generations scrapbook album.
You can also use photos of other items for your family history scrapbook as well. Don’t limit yourself only to photos of people; places, homes, or important landmarks are all a significant contribution to your generations scrapbook album.
After you have gathered all of your family information and photos, the next step for scrapbooking family history is to organize all of the materials that you are going to use. This is an essential step that will ensure that your finished scrapbook is according to your design, so no matter how tempted you are to being scrapbooking, slow down and create your design first.
You probably have enough photos and documents for several projects so choose the ones that you would like to use first, and store the rest in an organized manner so that they will be readily accessible for your next project. You may find that storing all of your photos and documents in chronological order is the best way to retrieve them later. Labeling each photo or document on the back with a photo or other appropriate pen is also a good way to ensure that you will have easy access to those items when you need them.
Once you have all of your items organized, you should then begin to layout your design. Consider carefully the type of design your scrapbook will have. Choose acid free paper for your scrapbook, to ensure that your photos will endure for a long time. Once you have determined your layout, and selected your embellishments, you should assemble your generations scrapbook album.
Enjoyed putting together a generations scrapbook?
Try a "Before & After" scrapbook!
A "Before & After" scrapbook is excellent for displaying your memories of building projects, hair cuts, life events, and much more!
Browse other ideas and supplies for your generations scrapbook. Click on the picture if you would like more information.
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